The team is positioned at the intersection of Operations Research and Network Science.
By using the tools of Stochastic Operations Research, we model situations arising in several application domains, involving networking in one way or the other. The aim is to understand the rules and the effects in order to influence and control them so as to engineer the creation and the evolution of complex networks.
We develop mathematical (formal or numerical) solutions of the models and exploit these to engineer algorithms
for the control and optimization of communication, social or energy networks.
The mathematical tools we use include: Stochastic Modeling, Applied Probabilities, Markov Chains, Markov Decision Processes, Queueing Theory, Game Theory, Random Matrices, Random Graphs.
- Taille du labo : 500 personnes
- Taille de l'équipe de R.O. : 18 personnes
Liste des membres de votre équipe R.O. qui sont membres de la ROADEF : Alain Jean-Marie
Mots clés : Stochastic, Optimization, Decision, Control, Games
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