Présentation des thématiques de R.O. abordées : Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures and distributes materials and solutions which are key ingredients in the wellbeing of each of us and the future of all. At Saint-Gobain Recherche, the main R&D center of Saint-Gobain, the Datalab was created in 2015 to bring value to all Saint-Gobain activities through the use of data science and digital skills. The applications are numerous and cover sales and marketing, supply-chain, production, building science and the team provides a support to R&D, industrial businesses and distribution companies. Core competencies are optimization, data science, machine learning, data visualization, virtual and augmented reality, web and mobile development.
Taille de l'entreprise : 180 000 personnes
Taille de l'équipe R.O. : 20 personnes
Liste des membres de votre équipe R.O. qui sont membres de la ROADEF :
Tristan Barbe
Mathilde Excoffier
Yasmina Seddik
Lydia Tlilane
Mots clés : Combinatorial optimization, Machine Learning, Industrial production, Supply-Chain, Analytical marketing and sales
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