Le 25/11/2022 par Thierry Garaix :
MASTER INTERNSHIP --- Ramp-Up health care system
Duration: 6 months – Starting between February and April 2023
Salary: about 550€/month
Supervisors: Garaix Thierry, Nardin Luis, Medini Khaled
Email: garaix@emse.fr Phone: +33477426641
Institutions: CIS Mines Sainté – LIMOS CNRS
Adress : 10 rue de la Marandière 42270 Saint Priest en Jarez
Business process modeling
Multiagent systems
Health care systems
Face to a pandemic the health care network has to increase quickly its capacity of care. In a previous research work, a simplified centralized optimization model has been developed in order to compute a resource management plan for a hospital network according to the forecast of the flow of patients. This model has, however, two main drawbacks:
hospitals’ difficulty in changing their capacity is modeled as a single weight in an objective function.
individual hospitals’ governance and strategy are not taken into account.
This work has the objective to overcome these two drawbacks by modeling the problem using BPMN and assessing hospitals’ strategies using Multiagent Systems (MAS) simulation. In particular,
to elaborate a more detailed model of the hospitals’ strategy (i.e., decision-making process) to identify delays and costs to reach the new targeted capacity.
to evaluate the impact on the outcome of the coordination of these individual hospitals’ strategies and compare with the centralized optimization solution.
Thus, the internship aims to address the ramp-up problem in healthcare facilities by exploring agile methods in conjunction with modeling and simulation.
The internship will be conducted within the framework of the RAMP-UP II project.
Desired Skills
Process modeling tools like BPMN.
Computer programming (ex: Java).
Knowledge of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) modeling will be valued.