Le 16/09/2020 par Labeiros :
Please find below a subject for a postgraduate (M2, Bac+5) research internship position to be filled in February 2021.
The position will take place in the computer science laboratory (LIFAT) at the University of Tours: 64 Avenue Jean Portalis, 37200 Tours, France
The financial reward will respect the mandatory legal minimum (https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F32131).
The duration will be discussed with the applicant, between 5 or 6 months.
The internship will be supervised by
Alexis Robbes, Jean-Charles Billaut and Yannick Kergosien.
The required skills:
To apply: please send me an email at alexis.robbes@univ-tours.fr with your CV.
Scheduling production and delivery of chemotherapy drugs.
During this research internship of 5 or 6 months, the student will have to work on an actual problem that occurs at the CHRU of Tours.
The production is defined as a Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problem and the delivery is modeled as a Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem.
Several works taking the integrated version of the problem have already done [1], [2].
The student will have to explore a new version of the problem where the production and the delivery are represented as two collaborative agents.
The delivery agent imposes the departure dates of vehicles and has to deliver preparations with minimum tardiness.
The production agent has to schedule the production in order to meet the departure dates fixed by the delivery agent and to minimize the tardiness.
The research project objectives are:
- Define the criteria for production.
- Develop an algorithm for production scheduling.
- Develop an algorithm for delivery routing.
- Propose tardiness responsibility indicators
[1] Y. Kergosien, M. Gendreau, J.-C. Billaut, A benders decomposition-based heuristic for a production and outbound distribution scheduling problem with strict delivery constraints, European Journal of Operational Research 262 (1) (2017) 287?298.
[2] A. Robbes, Y. Kergosien, J.-C. Billaut, Multi-level heuristic to optimize the chemotherapy production and delivery, in: International Conference onHuman-Centred Software Engineering, Springer, 2019, pp. 263?273.