
PhD position at the LITIS laboratory on Maritime Transportation

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 07/01/2023 par Andrea Cynthia (740 vues)

Le 07/01/2023 par Andrea Cynthia :

One PhD position is susceptible to be opened in the LITIS laboratory, Le Havre Normandie University In France, in marithme transportation in the context of port logistics.  Further information is found below:

Subject: New strategies for the cyclic maritime inventory routing problem


Andréa Cynthia Santos, Full Professor, LITIS-ISEL, Université Le Havre Normandie

Sebastiàn Urrutia, Full Professor, Molde University College

Team Laboratory: RI2C, LITIS

The « Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Traitement d’Information » (LITIS) is a multi-site research Laboratory in Rouen and Le Havre cities, in France. LITIS is composed of seven research teams covering fields such as combinatorial optimization, machine learning, Biomedical information processing, and operational research. This PhD position will be opened in the RI2C team in Le Havre city, which is specialized on intelligent networks systems, applied to applications in application fields of logistics, risk management, among others. This thesis will be developed in partnership with Molde University College, Department of Logistics.


The Maritime Inventory Routing Problem consists in delivering a set of ports using vessels, by transporting a product from a production port to consumption ones. Both production and consumption ports, respectively, produces and consumes at a given rate. The transportation service has to ensure that the consumption does not run out of products on a time horizon, and the inventory capacity have to be satisfied. A typical application is on supply of gas and fuel, which are usually continuous over the time.  This problem is addressed by cyclic routes leaving the production port to delivery all consumption ones. Recently, we have developed an alternative strategy, in which the cyclic routes are reversed after each complete route. The first ever results on a simplified version of the problem has shown a very relevant impact on the transportation costs. In this thesis, we intend to generalize the approach, introducing more realistic issues such as load-dependent routing, other objective functions, time and cost of loading and unloading operations, and problems with multiple vessels and multiple production ports. Realistic data is available for testing the proposed models and methods.


Candidate profile:

  • Master or similar diploma in operational research, computer science, industrial system or engineering school.
  • Knowledge in mathematical modelling and algorithms
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Autonomy and creativity, as well as ability to work in a team and analysis skills will be appreciated

Duration and salary:

  • 3 years, starting in September or October 2023
  • 2 044 euros, gros salary


Process to apply to this PhD position:

Send a curriculum vitae and a motivation letter to

Some references

Algendi, A., Urrutia, S., and Hvattum, L. M. (2022). Op- timizing production levels in maritime inventory routing with load-dependent speed optimization. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, pages 1–31.

Ben  Ahmed,  M.,  Okoronkwo,  O.  L.,  Okoronkwo,E. C., and Hvattum, L. M. (2022). Long-term effects of short planning hori- zons for inventory routing problems. International Transactions in Operational Research, 29(5):2995–3030.

Cárdenas-Barrón,  L.  E.  and  Melo,  R.  A. (2021). A fast and effective MIP-based heuristic for a selective and periodic inventory routing problem in reverse logistics. Omega, 103:102394.

Eide, L., ?Ardal, G. C. H., Evsikova, N., Hvattum, L. M., and Urrutia, S. (2020). Load-dependent speed optimization in maritime inventory routing. Computers and Operations Research, 123:105051.

Papageorgiou, D. J., Nemhauser, G. L., Sokol, J., Cheon, M. S., and Keha, A. B. (2014). MIRPLib - A library of maritime inventory routing problem instances: Survey, core model, and benchmark results. European Journal of Operational Research, 235(2):350–366.

Raa, B. and Aouam, T. (2021). Multi-vehicle stochastic cyclic inventory routing with guaranteed replenishments. International Journal of Production Economics, 234:108059.

Song, D.-W. and Panayides, P. (2015). Maritime logistics: A guide to contemporary shipping and port management. Kogan Page Publishers.

Zojaji, A., Soltaniani, K., Hvattum, L. M., and Urrutia, S. (2022). Cyclic solutions to a maritime inventory routing problem. Maritime Transport Research, 3:100074.

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