
TBS Education (Toulouse Business School) - Assistant or Associate Professor starting January 2023,

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 29/09/2022 par Sébastien (938 vues)

Le 29/09/2022 par Sébastien :

The Department of Information, Operations and Decision Science (team «?Industrial Organization, Logistics and Technology?» (IOLT)) at TBS Education (formerly known as Toulouse Business School) is seeking to fill in one faculty position in the field of Operations Management / Operations Research / Industrial Organization, to maintain and develop its reputation for excellence in research and high-quality teaching. The position opens in January 2023 and remains open until filled in.  


Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in Operations Management, Operations Research, or Economics and should possess excellent teaching abilities as well as the potential to publish in leading academic journals. They may have demonstrated these qualities during their post-doctoral experience or during their previous employment. The successful candidate is expected to participate in the teaching of Operations Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and to develop lectures in their field of expertise at the graduate and the executive education levels. The ability to teach in French in the medium run is a plus. Researchers in the fields of inventory management, of queuing management or of revenue management from an Operations Research perspective are highly encouraged to apply. Researchers in other fields of Operations Management, Operations Research or Economics will also be considered.  


TBS Education has the triple accreditations AACSB (renewed in 2019 for 5 years), EQUIS (renewed in 2019 for 5 years) and AMBA (renewed in 2021 for 5 years). The School has four campuses where it teaches a total of 6,000 students: Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona (Spain), and Casablanca (Morocco). It has a core Master/"Grande Ecole" Program, lasting three years, which delivers a Master in Management. There are over twenty Masters of Science (MSc) (amongst which two are dedicated to Supply Chain and Purchasing Management), a Global Executive MBA program, and a Bachelor program. The School has formed a partnership with the Department of Management of the University of Toulouse I Capitole (Toulouse School of Management) to offer a joint Ph.D. program (Ecole Doctorale) in Management. TBS Education professors belonging to the team IOLT are part of the “Finance, Economics & Econometrics” research lab. They may also participate to the research performed within three transdisciplinary excellence centers: «?Artificial Intelligence & Business Analytics?»; «?Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development?»; «?Aeronautics & Space?». TBS Education offers competitive research and teaching conditions, including an extensive financial support and reduced teaching loads. 

Research articles by the IOLT team members appeared in Annals of Operations Research, Computers and Operations Research, Economic Theory, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Industrial Organization, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Management Science, Marketing Letters, Operations Research Letters, Production and Operations Management,  RAND Journal of Economics, Revue d’Economie Politique, Revue Economique, Transportations Research part A.  

More information about the department and the School can be found at and more information on TBS Faculty at


Candidates are invited to send the following application material 

  • A cover letter 

  • A complete Curriculum Vitae with a list of publications and classes taught 

  • Samples of research (published or working papers)  

  • Teaching experience (list of courses, number of hours, and teaching evaluations) 

  • Three letters of recommendation or the names of three referees who can be contacted by the school 

All these documents must be compiled into one single electronic application file. Please send your application file by email to and to Professor Sébastien Mitraille (head of the department) at   


Applications must have been received at the two email addresses above by Wednesday, November 30, 2022 (23:59) the latest. Interviews are expected to start in mid-December 2022. The interview will take place online and/or on campus. 


Professor Sébastien Mitraille,  

Department of Information, Operations, and Decision Science,  

TBS Education 

20 Bld Lascrosses, B.P. 7010 

31068 Toulouse cedex 7 



Tel:             (33) 5 61 29 48 44  


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