Le 14/01/2022 par Jordan Ninin :
Postdoc topic: Intrusion Detection and tradeoff between Security/Performance/Energy, a study for drone swarm
Keywords: drone swarm, IDS, performance, energy, operational research
Starting date: as soon as possible
Duration: 1 to 3 years
Scientific partners:
- University of Western Brittany, France
- FORTH Heraklion, Greece
- Naval Group, France
Summary of the project:
The distributed operation of drone swarms on mission makes them susceptible to various attacks that should be detected. These drones embed hardware components (computation and storage) that are heterogeneous for both computing power and energy consumption. They perform the various tasks necessary for dorone mission.
The objective of the project is to propose a model and strategies for the execution of intrusion detection systems embedded on heterogeneous architectures and which provide a relevant trade off for speed detection / energy consumption, according to the criticality of the attack and the state of the system.
Required skills:
The required skills can be a subset of the following topics:
- embedded systems and drones
- Software security
- Networks
- Memory management
- Energy management
- Operational research
How to apply:
Please, send:
- A full detailled CV including a complete list of publications
- A motivation letter
- recommendation letters
- Any document that could justify the quality of the application
to: jalil.boukhobza@ensta-bretagne.fr and david.espes@univ-brest.fr