Le 24/09/2021 par Boris :
Voici une offre de post-doc d'un an au sein de l'équipe Inria RealOpt, Bordeaux, en collaboration avec EDF-Osiris, à propos du calcul d'ordonnancements stables en cas d'aléa, avec une application à la planification des centrales électriques.
Summary of the project
Improving robustness and stability of power plants planning is of growing importance for the producers, given the uncertainty associated with production fleet availability (nuclear outage durations, nuclear availability and growth of renewable sources) reinforced by the Covid crisis. Finding schedules that satisfy all technical and safety constraints, and that are economically sound and robust to random events combines theoretical difficulties (multi-stage combinatorial optimization problems under uncertainty) and practical issues (lack of precise yet concise formulations and researcher-friendly data sets).
To facilitate the development of advanced methodologies required to solve such problems, the proposed project aims at (i) designing stable scheduling models that encompass the outage planning problem, (ii) designing and developing a protocol for evaluating the resulting optimization algorithms in the multi-stage setting (iii) creating a researcher-friendly yet realistic data set and (iv) providing a numerical benchmark of algorithms suitable for approaching these problems.
PhD in Operations research or Mathematical optimization.
Required skills:
Skills/knowledge about the following topics would be appreciated:
Practical information
The recruit will integrate the Inria team RealOpt, located at Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, Talence.
Estimated starting date: end of 2021 or beginning of 2022
Duration: one year.
Net salary: approx. 2130 euros/month.
Contact: boris.detienne@math.u-bordeaux.fr
Applications must include a CV, a motivation letter and a list of references.