Le 11/01/2021 par Tanja :
IÉSEG School of Management - Lille Economics and Management (LEM, CNRS) invite applications for a temporary, fully funded Postdoctoral position in Operations Research/ Management on its Paris campus starting in September 2021.
The postdoctoral researcher will join a research team to conduct high-quality research. He (or she) is expected to collaborate with the team on research projects on sustainable supply chain management and remanufacturing. The main objective is to develop analytical models to support decision making in, e.g., green supply chain partner selection, recycling channel selection, remanufacturing, dynamic pricing, order admission in remanufacturing systems. The research projects are led by Professors Dr. Linda ZHANG (Click here for profile) and Dr. Tanja MLINAR (Click here for profile) at IESEG School of Management. Our diverse body of permanent professors have recently published articles in in top-tier refereed international journals, such as (among others), European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Click here for OPS dpt).
Applicants should have completed (or be close to completion of) a Ph.D. degree in operations research/management, supply chain management, econometrics, industrial engineering, or a related domain. A solid research background in mathematical programming, statistics, game theory, or stochastic modelling is required.
The selected applicant is expected to begin his (or her) assignment in September 2021. The appointment is for 12 months with possible 6 additional months. Gross salary will be competitive with other European research and academic institutions.
Further details and application via https://recruitment.ieseg.fr/jobs/1012810-postdoctoral-position-in-operations-research-management?promotion=192627-trackable-share-link-ops-postdoc-network
The closing date for applications is February 5, 2021. Applications will be considered and processed upon reception.