
(Master + ) PhD position at the LIMOS (CNRS, France) / Vehicle routing and energy management for a

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 14/02/2019 par Webmaster ROADEF (1158 vues)

Le 14/02/2019 par Webmaster ROADEF :

A PhD position is available at the LIMOS (CNRS, France). The thesis will
concern the development of new models, properties and original solution
methods for the routing of a fleet of hybrid/autonomous vehicles.

Keywords: operations research, transportation, vehicle routing,
scheduling, energy, autonomous vehicle, combinatorial optimization,
learning, synchronization

The models considered during the thesis will combine the realization of
some transportation services with the vehicles (urban distribution,
public transportation within a dedicated site like an industrial site or
an airport…) and the management of energy production/recharging
operations for the vehicles. It will give rise to original
scheduling-routing problems that will be investigated both theoretically
and empirically.

The thesis wil be supervised by Prof. Alain Quilliot (LIMOS) and Prof.
Dominique Feillet (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne and LIMOS). The PhD
student will preferably be located at the  Campus Provence of Ecole des
Mines de Saint-Etienne in Gardanne (south of France, near
Aix-en-Provence and Marseille), but a location in Clermont-Ferrand is
also possible.

The phD will be conducted in collaboration with Prof. Claudia Archetti
(Univ. of Brescia, Italy). Short stays in Italy should be envisaged.

The position is for three years starting as early as possible, but
Master students that would not be available before the end of the summer
are eligible (the exact starting date is negotiable).

Applicants must have a Master Degree (or equivalent) in Computer
Sciences, Applied Mathematics or any related discipline. Applicants
should demonstrate good programming skills and a good knowledge in
solution methods for combinatorial optimization (integer programming,
metaheuristics). Experience in vehicle routing optimization would be

Please send your application electronically (preferably as a single pdf
file) including a detailed curriculum vitae and examination results,
plus, if available, a list of nomination letters, the Master thesis, and
copies of diploma, to:
Alain Quilliot ( and Dominique Feillet

Good candidates will be selected on a first-come basis. It is thus
recommended to apply as early as possible, even in case of late
availability. The possibility of starting with a Master internship
before the phD thesis could also be considered.

For further questions regarding the position or details on the research
project, please contact Alain Quilliot or Dominique Feillet.

For more details on the LIMOS SFL team in Gardanne see:

Dominique Feillet and Alain Quilliot

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