Le 04/11/2018 par gicquel :
Faculty Position in Operations Research and Mathematics of Decision-Making
Candidates must have a PhD in operations research or a related area. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate, master and PhD courses, develop a strong independent research program at the cutting edge of his/her field in a multidisciplinary environment, supervise graduate students, engage with researchers in related areas across EPFL, and be involved in service to the university and profession.
The EPFL environment is multilingual and multicultural, with English serving as a common interface. EPFL offers internationally competitive start-up resources, salaries, and benefits as well as exceptional experimental and computational facilities. Academics in Switzerland enjoy many research funding opportunities, as well as an exceptionally high standard of living.
Review of applications begins as of January 15th, 2019 and continues until the position is filled. Please submit your application package electronically at:
Letters of nomination, expressions of interest or inquiries may be addressed confidentially to:
Prof. Michel Bierlaire
Co-chair of the Search Committee
Email: michel.bierlaire@epfl.ch
Prof. Daniel Kuhn
Co-chair of the Search Committee
Email: daniel.kuhn@epfl.ch
EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and family friendly university. It is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. It strongly encourages women to apply.