
PhD program in Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM) - University of Brescia

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 12/06/2018 par Webmaster ROADEF (1081 vues)

Le 12/06/2018 par Webmaster ROADEF :

The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Brescia offers a PhD program in Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM). The  first year will be devoted to courses on optimization and statistics, to more specific courses on integer programming, computer programming and CPLEX, and to the initial work on the thesis, under the supervision of a professor with whom the PhD student will work closely. During the second year most of our PhD students spend a period of time abroad, working with leading researchers part of our network of international collaborations.

Details on the PhD program can be found at

Motivated and committed students with interest in operations research are encouraged  to apply  for one of the 8 places, 6 of which are with fellowships. The deadline for the application is August 3rd, 2018. Details on how to apply can be found at

Italian website:

English website:

For any information, possible candidates are invited to contact me for further information.

Grazia Speranza

Moteur de recherche
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