
Invitation de participer à la conférence APMS 2021, Sept 5 - Sept 9, 2021, appel à communication et

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 20/01/2021 par Alex (11810 vues)

Le 20/01/2021 par Alex :

Dear Colleague:

First of all, we wish you the Best for 2021. Happy New Year to you and your relatives!

IFIP community on Production Management Systems is organising its annual APMS conference in Nantes beginning of next September (Sun, Sept 5 to Thu, Sept 9).


Special session proposal: February 21, 2021

Submission of full papers: March 21, 2021

The conference will be Online (Virtual) except  for the case if the situation changes drastically, in this case, we will organise a mix of face to face and virtual meetings.

The call is on the web site of the conference:

First page -> About -> Call for papers

or directly to

APMS 2021 brings together leading international experts on production systems and logistics from academia, industry, and government to discuss pressing issues in smart manufacturing, operations management, supply chain management, and Industry 4.0 in the Artificial Intelligence era. The conference features several sessions to discuss original, high-impact academic contributions, which will be published in the Springer Series ACIT and indexed on SCOPUS and Web of Science. World-renown industry leaders will share their industrial viewpoints and insights through industry keynotes. The conference is sponsorized by the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP), and it is organized by the IFIP Working Group 5.7 on Advances in Production Management Systems established in 1978. The conference is also supported by two leading journals: the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) and Production Planning & Control (PPC).

See you at APMS 2021 in September.


Alexandre Dolgui, Conference Chair

Alain Bernard, Program Chair

David Lemoine, Organizing Committee Chair


PS: In 2021, the conference coincides with the 60th Anniversary of the International Journal of Production Research, we invite you to join us to celebrate this event:

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