Le 16/04/2020 par gicquel :
Dear Colleague: IJPR launches a discussion and a series of publications on viability of Supply Networks under unprecedented series of shocks caused by the COVID-19 virus outbreak. We have already published a short position paper https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207543.2020.1750727 and announced a special issue Special issue on Viability of Supply Networks and Ecosystems: Lessons Learned From COVID-19 Outbreak, see https://techjournals.wixsite.com/techjournals/viability-supply-networks-ecosystem Any other initiative is welcome! The objective is to analyses the existing knowledge in Control Theory, Operations Research and Management Science, Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering, search for new ideas and concepts for Supply Chain design and management. We will invite all leaders in the domain to contribute. Could you disseminate these announcements in your professional circle and contribute by yourself, please. If you have some colleagues to suggest to contact, could you send to us their email addresses please Thanks Best wishes, Alexandre Dolgui Dmitry Ivanov PS: See also all current call for papers for special issues of IJPR https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=specialIssues&journalCode=tprs20 BTW: The most cited papers published in 2019 in IJPR are in open access, see https://techjournals.wixsite.com/techjournals/ijpr-top-cited-papers-published-in