Le 01/04/2020 par hosteins :
We are seeking contributors for a special stream on *Resilient transportation* at the 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting in National Harbor (USA).
The stream focuses on optimisation solutions to make transportation networks and vehicles more robust or adaptable to any kind of disturbance and failure, with a focus on public transports.
The 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting will take place on November 8th to 11th (http://meetings2.informs.org/wordpress/nationalharbor2020/). Interested speakers should contact Pierre Hosteins (pierre.hosteins@ifsttar.fr) before *May 1st* with the tentative title of their submission and (if possible) a short abstract. Please note that an attendee may present only one paper at the conference.
Please forward this call to any person you think might be interested in contributing to the stream.
Pierre Hosteins