
One-day symposium on Integer Programming and Algorithms

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 30/09/2019 par Clautiaux (1682 vues)

Le 30/09/2019 par Clautiaux :

One-day symposium on Integer Programming and Algorithms -- November 8, 2019 -- Ecole des Ponts Paristech ========== Dear Colleagues We have the pleasure to announce a one-day symposium on integer programming and algorithms at Ecole des Ponts Paristech ( on November 8, 2019. We thank Antonio Frangioni, who accepted to be our guest speaker and will give a talk on "Perspective Reformulations Beyond the Separable Case". We also thank our sponsors, the GDR-RO and the ROADEF. The scientific program will soon be announced on the symposium webpage ( Registration is free but mandatory (on the conference webpage). Best regards, François Clautiaux and Axel Parmentier == Planning == 9h-9h45 Welcome. 9h45-10h45 Talk of our guest speaker 10h45-11h10 Coffee break 11h10-12h30 Talks 12h30-13h30: Lunch and meeting of the working group "programmation mathématique" of the GDR-RO 13h30-15h Talks 15h-15h30 Coffee break 15h30-17h Talks == Organizing committee == François Clautiaux Axel Parmentier == Scientific committee == Christian Artigues, Nadia Brauner Vettier Sonia Cafieri Claudia d''Ambrosio Sourour Elloumi Frédéric Messine Michael Poss Dominique Quadri Frédéric Semet Roberto Wolfer Calvo

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