Le 15/02/2019 par Webmaster ROADEF :
The INFORMS Technical Section on Telecommunications and Network Analytics Best Paper Award will be given to an outstanding paper applying OR techniques in the context of telecommunications and/or network analytics. The paper must have been published in 2016-18, in a refereed international journal and written in English. The paper must present innovative OR approaches to complex problems in all topics related to the field of telecommunications or network analytics including, but not being limited to: telecommunications modeling, policy, and technology, network economics, network design, algorithms, and optimization, sensor networks, wireless and broadband networks, vehicle and mobile computing, semantic networks, network survivability and reliability, information security and privacy, quality of service, internet and multimedia, data mining applications in networks.
Deadlines: Papers must be submitted until the end of May. The three finalist papers will be announced by July the 15th.
The finalists will be invited to present their work in a "Best Paper Award session" during the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Seattle.
The award will be conferred the same evening during the Business Meeting of the section.
To submit your application, please send a copy of the paper along with a cover letter to one of the following emails:
The committee: Luis Gouveia (chair), Stanko Dimitrov, Mario Ruthmair and Amaro de Sousa
Ivana Ljubic (section chair)