Le 19/01/2019 par jbassem :
Book Title: Green transportation and new advances in vehicle routing problems
Editor book to be published by Springer (English)
Editors: Houda Derbel, Bassem Jarboui and Patrick Siarry
Book Statement
The transport field is one of the most important aspects of logistics and economic activity in the world. However, it is the centerpiece of pollution. Today, many countries have made ambitious commitments to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the environmental awareness is growing faced with the greenhouse effect and promising challenges are developed to find efficient solutions to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. The book will introduce advances in vehicle routing problem in general and then will focus on the green vehicle routing problem and solution approaches providing sustainable logistics in terms of exact and heuristic methods as well as on advanced mobility architecture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Besides, real world cases are welcome.
Topics of interest
Information for authors
Authors may submit new contributions of around 20 pages in English. All chapters suitable for publication in this book are blind reviewed.
The authors should use the Springer Template (Latex version)
Important dates
Contact Information
For more detailed information, please contact: Houda Derbel, University of Sfax (derbelhouda@yahoo.fr) or Bassem Jarboui, Emirates College of Technology (bassem_jarboui@yahoo.fr) or Patrick Siarry, Paris-Est Créteil University (siarry@u-pec.fr).