
Call for book chapters: Operations research and artificial intelligence in healthcare

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 04/11/2018 par mas585 (1775 vues)

Le 04/11/2018 par mas585 :

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to contribute a chapter in a book within its scope mentioned below. The book is entitled “Operations research and artificial intelligence in healthcare” and will be edited by Springer
If you are interested, please give us a feedback soon and send us a short abstract in the next two weeks (before the 17th of November). The abstract should explain the content and contribution of the chapter.

Best regards
Malek Masmoudi & Patrick Siarry & Bassem Jarboui


Book Title: Operations research and artificial intelligence in healthcare

Edited book to be published by Springer (English)

Editors: Malek Masmoudi, Bassem Jarboui and Patrick Siarry


Dear colleagues,

The healthcare system is facing unprecedented challenges and particularly a serious economic pressure. Promising alternatives of the traditional healthcare system are developed to improve the quality of service and reduce cost. Researchers in operations research and management science (OR/MS) community are involved to provide efficient healthcare Decisional Support Systems to help health care engineers and managers to make optimal/efficient/robust decisions in dynamic and uncertain environments. How to make changes in order to improve the whole healthcare system performance becomes the main issue of researchers from technical, organizational and decisional points of view. Several modelling, optimization, and simulation techniques are provided for decision making in healthcare domain. This book provides recent studies and works in healthcare management and engineering using Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence methods and techniques.

 Topics of interest. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

  • Information and decision support systems,
  • Supply chain and care network design,
  • Resources design and management,
  • Planning and scheduling,
  • Logistics and transportation,
  • Biomedical engineering.


Information for authors. Authors may submit new contributions of around 20 pages in English. All chapters suitable for publication in this book will be blind reviewed.


Submission. The authors should use the Springer Template (Word or Latex version).


Important dates. We expect to adhere to the following timeline:

  • Abstract submission                                           17th of November 2018
  • Chapter submission deadline                             30th of January 2019.
  • Notification of acceptance                                 15th of April 2019.
  • Final version submission                                    15th of September 2019
  • Expected publication                                          December 2019.

Contact information. For any additional information, please contact M. Masmoudi, Jean-Monnet University ( or P. Siarry, Paris-Est Créteil University ( or B. Jarboui, University of Sfax ( 


Kind regards,

Moteur de recherche
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