Le 09/04/2018 par gicquel :
A la demande des organisateurs, je vous fais suivre une annonce concernant la première conférence de la société africaine de recherche opérationnelle. AFROS 2018 aura lieu en Tunisie en juillet prochain.
Date limite pour soumettre un résumé : 25 avril 2018
Pour le bureau de la ROADEF,
The African Federation of OR Societies' inaugural conference, AFROS 2018, organised by the Tunisian Decision Aid Society, is to be held in Tunis from July 2nd- 4th 2018. It is hoped that the conference will give a kick start to the wider use of OR in Africa. It includes plenary talks by a range of international speakers as well as presentations of high quality research papers by researchers and practitioners from Africa and all over the world. Selected extended abstracts among those presented in the conference will be considered as potential full-paper publications, subject to peer reviews, in the publication 'Operational Research - An International Journal' (ORIJ) published by Springer.