Le 04/12/2017 par ajeanjean :
new paper submission deadline : 15th december 2017
Dear colleagues,
As part of the 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2018 (Bergamo Italy) from June. 11th to 13th, 2018, we are organizing a special session on
Optimization of advanced manufacturing systems with risk and quality issues.
Objectives and topics Integrated approaches in the management and the design of production aims to take into account simultaneously several production constraints such maintenance scheduling, machines reliability, production planning, inventory sizes, quality control, human resources management, risk management, ...This session deals with studies intergreting joint decisions or constraints relating to maintenance strategies, risk management, quality control and production management.
You are invited to submit original papers dealing with applications of optimization and simulation techniques related to the following topics:
Keywords: manufacturing, risk management, quality management, optimization, simulation
Submission guidelines
For author guidelines, please refer to http://www.incom2018.org/paper-submission/. All papers must be submitted via the IFAC Papercept platform at the following address: http://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl. All papers must be prepared in a two-column format in accordance with the IFAC manuscript style. Please use the official IFAC instructions and template to prepare your contribution as full-length draft paper and submit it on line by September 30, 2017.
Submission details are available on the symposium website. All submissions must be written in English. All papers that conform to submission guidelines will be peer-reviewed by IPC members. The corresponding author submits the paper online (pdf format) as an invited session paper. Submission as an invited paper requires the invited session code (uq878).
Important dates
October 31, 2017 Deadline for the submission
January 12, 2017 Notification of acceptance/rejection
February 16, 2018 Deadline for the final submission
Contacts :
Prof. Ali Siadat (ali.siadat@ensam.eu ), Dr. Alice Yalaoui (alice.yalaoui@utt.fr), Prof. Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam (tavakoli@ut.ac.ir)