Le 04/12/2017 par ajeanjean :
IEEE – 13th International System of Systems Engineering Conference
June 19-22, 2018
Sorbonne Universités
Jussieu Campus, Paris, France
Technical co-sponsors: IEEE System, Man, and Cybernetics Society, IEEE Reliability Society, International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Association Française d’Ingénierie Système (AFIS).
The 13th Annual System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) conference will be held on the Jussieu campus of Sorbonne Universities, Paris, France on June 19th-22nd, 2018. SoSE is the main conference on Systems of Systems, defined as complex systems created by the systematic and dynamic assembly of various interacting sub-systems. The conference theme is “Systems of systems Management and Control: Frontiers between cyber, physical, and social systems”. Papers on theory, methodology, tools and applications of System of Systems Engineering in science, technology, industry, and education are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
System management and engineering
Interoperability and system architecture
System of systems integration
Distributed and swarm robotics
Multi-scale and multi-physics system modeling
Risk analysis, safety, security, resilience
Interaction with humans
Cooperation and coordination in competitive multi-systems
Distributed computing and control
Applications include:
Transportation (multimodal networks, mobile robotics, automated platoons, Driverless cars)
Critical infrastructures (structural health monitoring, smart grids, smart cities),
Manufacturing (factories of future, Industrial Internet of things)
Healthcare (e-health, digital hospitals)
Cyber-physical systems
Aerospace (smart-material based structures)
SoSE education
- Paper submission (online): 5th February, 2018
- Notification of accepted papers: 10th April, 2018
- Final Camera Ready Manuscript due: 15th May, 2018
Papers should be four to six pages in length, in standard two-column IEEE Conference Proceedings format. We will also accept three-page poster papers. Detailed instructions for paper/poster submission and format can be found on the conference web site at http://sosengineering.org/2018
Invitations will be made to the authors of the best papers to submit an extended version of papers to journals or book chapters for the CRC Taylor-Francis SOSE Book Series.
Founding Chair: Mo Jamshidi, University of Texas San Antonio, USA.
Conference co-chairs: Thierry Denoeux (Université de Technologie de Compiègne) and Dominique Luzeaux (Ministry of Defense, France).
Contact: info-sose2018@utc.fr