
Special Issue of Networks on "Future of Route Optimization/Vehicle Routing"

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 24/11/2017 par ajeanjean (1121 vues)

Le 24/11/2017 par ajeanjean :

Call for papers: Special Issue of Networks on the Future of Route Optimization/Vehicle Routing


On June 12-13, 2017, the Warsaw School of Economics and Loyola University Chicago co-hosted the Route Optimization/Vehicle Routing (ROVER) Workshop in Warsaw, Poland.  Over the course of this workshop, numerous future directions for Route Optimization/Vehicle Routing were discussed and this call for papers highlights those topics, while also soliciting research on others.  In particular, we hope to identify outstanding/important problems for Ph.D. students and Assistant Professors (and others, of course) to work on in a variety of areas. Topics identified during the workshop include collaborative vehicle routing, autonomous vehicle fleet operations, dynamic vehicle routing, last mile delivery in an urban and/or omnichannel environment, real-time vehicle routing, data-rich vehicle routing, and service network design. 


While there has been much research on efficient algorithms that can be applied to these problems, rapidly changing business models in transportation and logistics, as well as advances in technology, create new challenges that are yet unsolved. It is increasingly important to be able to incorporate such aspects as: demand and supply uncertainty, real-time flow of information from customers and drivers, autonomous transportation modes, exponentially increasing sources of data, a sharing economy, and synchronized supply chain partners.  With this in mind, the editors would be happy to publish short articles which focus on fundamental unsolved problems in route optimization/vehicle routing.


Paper submissions:

Submit a full paper by sending it to:  All papers will be reviewed according to the usual standards of Networks. More information about submission guidelines can be found here.


Deadline for submission: December 31, 2017. We encourage authors to submit papers before the deadline so we can start the review process early.


Target publication date: Fall 2018. Given the timeliness of this topic and the rapid developments from researchers and industry, we hope to expedite the review process and publish this special issue as soon as possible.


For further information, please contact one of the guest editors:


Maciek Nowak

Quinlan School of Business

Loyola University Chicago


Claudia Archetti

Department of Quantitative Methods

University of Brescia


Bogumi? Kami?ski

Decision Support and Analysis Unit

Warsaw School of Economics

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