Le 06/11/2017 par Sophie Demassey :
EURO PhD School
Multiple criteria decision aiding/making (MCDA/M) has evolved as a major area in operations research and management science (OR/MS), which is devoted on the development and implementation of systematic approaches to decision problems that require the consideration of multiple criteria, objectives, goals, and points of view.
The advances in the theory and practice of MCDA/M have been rapid over the years, covering a wide range of issues, including cognitive and problem structuring issues, modeling aspects, computational procedures, software developments, as well as various innovative applications in established and emerging fields in management and engineering.The Summer School is a joint event of the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), the International Society on MCDM, and the EURO Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aiding, that aims to promote the ideas, philosophy and practices of MCDA/M to doctoral students. The School provides participants with a unique opportunity to get a comprehensive and in-depth view of the state-of-the-art in MCDA/M approaches and methodologies, their applications in various areas, the relevant software decision support tools, and the interconnections of MCDA/M with other closely related theoretical and applied disciplines from OR/MS, computer science, engineering, and social sciences. Thus, the Summer School provides a detailed coverage of all established and emerging areas in MCDA/M and further emphasizes the interdisciplinary character of the field, which is fundamental for addressing the challenges that complex decision problems pose, in an effective manner.
Finally, the Summer School constitutes a forum through which PhD students can exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences, discuss open problems and get feedback from leading scholars in MCDA/M, and build fruitful collaborations.
Target audience
The Summer School's audience involves PhD students who are interested in theoretical and applied aspects of MCDA/M and seek to get an in-depth undestanding of the field and related topics.
The official language of the School is English.
In order to submit your application, please email the following information to mcdaschool18 [at] isc.tuc.gr:
*your detailed curriculum with photo
*an abstract describing your PhD
*a letter from supervisor specifying in clear terms the motivations to attend the summer school
*the application form (http://www.mcda-school18.tuc.gr/applicationform.docx) filled with your information
The deadline for the submission of applications is January 15, 2018. The results of the selection process will be communicated by January 31, 2018. If accepted, you will receive an e-mail with instructions for registration.
The number of participants will be limited to 50.