
CP 2018 Call for Thematic Tracks

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 31/10/2017 par gkatsi (1107 vues)

Le 31/10/2017 par gkatsi :

Call for Thematic Tracks

Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2018)

Lille, France, August 27-31


For the third consecutive year, the organizers of CP 2018 are seeking to extend the scope of the conference through themed tracks.  Of particular interest are topics that are potentially relevant to the CP/AI/computer science community, even if they do not directly involve constraint programming.  Both repeat tracks and new tracks are welcome.  CP 2018 will also include technical and applications tracks as in previous years.


Tracks at recent meetings have covered biology, machine learning, operations research & mathematical programming, satisfiability, testing & verification, music, computational sustainability, and social choice theory.  Proposals for additional topics are enthusiastically encouraged, whether they involve methodology, software, or specific application areas. 


The conference will provide track participants an opportunity to learn about the latest trends and attend tutorials in constraint programming, a powerful technology that is rapidly being adopted by industry.  Papers accepted for presentation will be published in the conference proceedings, which are distributed at the time of the conference.


Proposals are invited from potential track chairs, who will be expected to recruit a small program committee (5 to 10 individuals) to review submissions.  The chair(s) of the proposed track should reasonably expect to receive at least a half dozen submissions, some of which can be individually solicited if desired.  They will also serve as members of the Senior Program Committee, which will discuss final acceptance decisions via EasyChair in late May 2018. 


Potential chairs are encouraged to contact the CP 2018 Program Chair, John Hooker, by email ( to propose a topic or discuss ideas for topics.  We would like to finalize the list of tracks by November 15 so that a timely call for papers can be issued. 

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