
EURO Mini Conference on Advances in Freight Transportation and Logistics, 7-9 March, 2018

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 11/09/2017 par Sophie Demassey (3555 vues)

Le 11/09/2017 par Sophie Demassey :

EURO Mini Conference on "Advances in Freight Transportation and Logistics"
Padova, Italy, 7-9 March, 2018

This EURO Mini Conference call for papers is focused on methods and models in the fields of OR and Transportation Engineering and aimed at solving complex problems related to the topics. The conference will try to answer to the following key questions:

* "What are the future of freight transportation and logistic?"
* "How to be a modern/smart city in order to get a sustainable freight mobility?"
* "What are the best solutions academia can give for supporting companies, shipping agents, logistic operators and public administrations in managing freight distribution?"

The event will be hosted within the "Green Logistics Expo" that is an international event organized by Padova Fiere. It will be the occasion in which academia and stakeholders will try to answer to the key questions above. Padova Fiere will host the event giving us space for plenary, regular sessions and for workshops. The event is organised within the activities of the  Euro Working Group of Transportation (EWGT) with the support of the  Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO).

Main topics of interest are methods, mathematical models and computation algorithms to solve and support the solution of problems in the field of freight transportation and logistics.

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstracts by way of EasyChair ( The reviewing process is managed by the local organizing committee. For pre-selection the first-phase starts with a call for extended abstracts up to three pages (including references). All extended abstracts should include similar specific sections like aim of paper, methodological aspects, originality of topic, results, concluding remarks, references. In the second-phase all selected extended abstracts can submit a full paper up to 10 pages (including references). Each Paper will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers. Proceedings will be published by Elsevier (Transportation Research Procedia).

Important dates:

* Extended abstract submission: 30 October 2017
* Notification of extended abstract acceptance: 15 November 2017 
* Full paper submission: 10 January 2018 
* Notification of full paper acceptance: 10 February 2018
* Final paper submission: 7 March 2018
* Early registration: 15 February 2018
* Conference date: 7-9 March 2018

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