Le 12/05/2017 par Pierre Laroche :
Dear colleagues,
We are honored to invite you to the 12th International Conferences on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP 2017) that will take place in Metz, France from 30 to 31 October 2017. This conference is a forum within which researchers and practitioners can meet and learn from each other about recent development in Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming. Amongst the participants are academicians and practitioners whose common interest is in multiple objective decision analysis.
Please submit abstracts online at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mopgp2017
A template to use for your submission is available here: http://mopgp.org/?page_id=15
Selected extended-abstracts will be considered as potential full-paper publications, subject to peer reviews in Annals of Operations Research.
The deadlines are the following:
* Submission of abstracts: June 15, 2017
* Acceptance notice: June 30, 2017
For more information please visit the conference website http://mopgp.org/
We are looking forward to welcoming you in the beautiful city of Metz next October!
Best regards
Pr. Imed Kacem
Program Committee Chair
Pierre Laroche
Organizing Committee Chair