
GECCO Workshop on Measuring and Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Algorithms (MPDEA)

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 21/02/2017 par sol_kanar (1551 vues)

Le 21/02/2017 par sol_kanar :


to be held as part of the

2017 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2017)


Berlin, Germany, July 15-19, 2017


Deadline: March 29, 2017

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the announcement for the GECCO workshop on Measuring and Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Algorithms (MPDEA)

Divergence of character is a cornerstone of natural evolution. On the contrary, evolutionary optimization processes are plagued by an endemic lack of diversity: all candidate solutions eventually crowd the very same areas in the search space. Such a "lack of speciation" has been pointed out in the seminal work of Holland in 1975, and nowadays is well known among scholars. It has different effects on the different search algorithms, but almost all are quite deleterious. The problem is usually labeled with the oxymoron "premature convergence", that is, the tendency of an algorithm to convergence toward a point where it was not supposed to converge to in the first place.

This workshop aims at presenting and exploring both novel and established solutions for promoting diversity in EAs. During the workshop, algorithms and solutions will be presented by the participants. A plenary discussion will address the current state of the art, and future developments to tackle the loss of diversity, both from a practical and a theoretical point of view.

Interested authors have different options to contribute:

1) Original contributions, descriptions of innovative techniques, surveys and comparative studies should be directly submitted to (see guidelines). Accepted papers will be included in proceedings companion to be distributed to all attendees of the conference and in the ACM Digital Library.

2) Authors of papers related to MPDEA that will appear in GECCO 2017 (or have been already published elsewhere) are encouraged to contact the organizers to discuss the opportunity to briefly present their contribution in the workshop.

3) Authors of interesting techniques related to the workshop topics are encouraged to contact the organizers. The workshop will start with a short summary of the state of the art in the field, giving full credits and references for all notable techniques. As the community is thriving and the amount of new contributions is increasing at a considerable rate, every recommendation will be appreciated.

Workshop chairs shall survey the material and provide attendees with full bibliographical references. Contributions from MPDEA 2017 will be added to the bibliography on diversity preservation that can be found at this address:



* March 29, 2017 paper submission deadline

* March 29, 2017 decision notification

* July 15, 2017 or July 16, 2017 workshop



Authors should email their papers to on or before March 29th, 2017. Submissions should adhere to the ACM SIG guidelines as GECCO’s full papers (, and not exceed six (6) pages in length.


Don't hesitate to forward this message to possibly interested people and all our apologies already if you received this file multiple times.


Thank you for your time,

Giovanni Squillero & Alberto Tonda



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