
Call for special sessions - IESM 2017

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 19/12/2016 par c_sauvey (1763 vues)

Le 19/12/2016 par c_sauvey :

International Conference on "Industrial Engineering and Systems Management"

IESM 2017

Saarbrücken, Germany, October 11-13, 2017


The conference IESM 2017 on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management is held every two years and is supported by I4E2, GDR MACS, GDR RO (sponsorship of international associations such as IFAC, IEEE, ... has been requested).

The conference will address all topics relating to Industrial Engineering and Systems Management and will also put special emphasis on Trends, Benefits and Challenges for Industrial Growth : Industry and Logistics 4.0. The detailed list of the scientific topics can be found on the official conference website:


Organization of special sessions is warmly encouraged.

The goal of these special sessions is to provide a forum for focused discussions on particular topics.

Prospective organizers of Special Sessions should submit their proposals by email to the conference chair of IESM 2017 at indicating:

> Title of the session

> A short description (2-3 lines) & covered topics

> Session organizer(s) and chair(s)

> List of 4-5 tentative speakers (if available)

> List of about 10 specialists able to peer-review submissions on the special proposed topic


Please submit your special session proposal at


Important Dates:

Special session proposals deadline: January 31st, 2017

Draft paper submission deadline: March 31st, 2017

Notification of acceptance: May 31st, 2017

We look forward to reading your proposals.


Yours sincerely,

IESM 2017 organizing committee

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