
CFP for JPDC Special Issue on Parallel Optimization using/for Multi and Many-core High Performance C

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 11/07/2016 par imen_chakroun (1771 vues)

Le 11/07/2016 par imen_chakroun :

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Nouredine Melab, Université Lille 1, Inria Lille - Nord Europe, CNRS CRIStAL

Albert Y. Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia

Imen Chakroun, Exascience Life Lab, IMEC Research Center, Leuven, Belgium


On the road to exascale, multi-core processors and many-core accelerators/coprocessors are increasingly becoming key-building blocks of many computing platforms including laptops, high performance workstations, clusters, grids, and clouds. On the other hand, plenty of hard problems in a wide range of areas including engineering design, telecommunications, logistics and transportation, biology, energy, etc., are often modeled and tackled using optimization approaches. These approaches include greedy algorithms, exact methods (dynamic programming, Branch-and-X, constraint programming, A*, etc.) and meta-heuristics (evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm, ant or bee colonies, simulated annealing, Tabu search, etc.). In many research works, optimization techniques are used to address high performance computing (HPC) issues including HPC hardware design, compiling, scheduling, auto-tuning, etc. On the other hand, optimization problems become increasingly large and complex, forcing the use of parallel computing for their efficient and effective resolution. The design and implementation of parallel optimization methods raise several issues such as load balancing, data locality and placement, fault tolerance, scalability, thread divergence, etc.

This special issue seeks to provide an opportunity for the researchers to present their original contributions on the joint use of advanced (discrete or continuous, single or multi-objective, static or dynamic, deterministic or stochastic, hybrid) optimization methods and distributed and/or parallel multi/many-core computing, and any related issues.

The special issue topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

- Parallel models (island, master-worker, multi-start, etc.) for optimization methods revisited for multi-core and/or many-core (MMC) environments.

- Parallelization techniques and advanced data structures for exact (e.g. tree-based) optimization methods.

- Parallel mechanisms for hybridization of optimization algorithms on MMC environments.

- Parallel strategies for handling uncertainty, robustness and dynamic nature of optimization methods.

- Implementation issues of parallel optimization methods on MMC workstations, MMC clusters, MMC grids/clouds, etc.

- Software frameworks for the design and implementation of parallel and/or distributed MMC optimization algorithms.

- Computational/theoretical studies reporting results on solving challenging problems using MMC computing.

- Energy- and thermal-aware optimization for/with MMC parallel and/or distributed optimization methods.

- Optimization techniques for efficient hardware design of MMC environments.

- Optimization techniques for scheduling, compiling, auto-tuning for MMC clusters, MMC grids/clouds, etc.


The first step of the submission process is to send a one-page abstract including a title, a list of authors and their affiliations and emails. It should be indicated the intent to submit to this special issue either a new manuscript or a significantly extended version of a previously published/presented paper. The authors are invited to submit their abstract as an email attachment to the Special Issue Guest Editors.

In the second step of the submission process, only manuscripts of approved abstracts will be considered. The submitted manuscripts must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. For the submitted extended papers, an extension of at least 30% beyond that in the published proceedings is expected. Each submitted paper (extended or not) will receive thorough reviews and evaluation. Papers will be selected based mainly on their originality, scientific and technical quality of the contributions, organization and presentation and relevance to the special issue.

All manuscripts submission and review will be handled by Elsevier Editorial System All papers should be prepared according to JPDC Guide for Authors. Manuscripts should be no longer than 35 double-spaced pages without the title page, abstract, or references. It is strongly recommended to the authors to select SI: POMCO 2016 when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process.

For further questions or inquiries, please contact the Guest Editors.

IMPORTANT DATES (Subject to change)

Abstract Submission: ------------------------------------ July 31, 2016

Paper Submission: ---------------------------------------- August 21, 2016

Notification and Reviewers Comments: ----------- October 23, 2016

Revision Submission: ------------------------------------- November 27, 2016

Notification and Reviewers Comments: ------------ January 29, 2017

Revision Submission: ------------------------------------- February 26, 2017

Revised Final Manuscript: ------------------------------ March 26, 2017

Accepted papers are expected to appear in the 2nd half of 2017 (Tentative).

GUEST EDITORS (Contact information)

Nouredine Melab

Université Lille 1/INRIA Lille - Nord Europe/CNRS CRIStAL

Lille, France

Phone: +33 3 59 57 78 86


Albert Y. Zomaya

The University of Sydney

Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61-2-9351 6442


Imen Chakroun

Exascience Life Lab, IMEC Research Center

Leuven, Belgium

Phone: +32 16 28 81 89


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