Le 03/06/2016 par rosafigueiredo :
Last week the 117th ESGI took place at Avignon. It was a rewarding experience and a great week of work and discussions.
You can find here the slides of the invited talks and here the recording of the presentations of the problems (Monday 23th) as well as the presentations of the solutions proposed (Friday 27th).
We would like to take this opportunity to announce a special issue of RAIRO-Operations Research on Operations Research Applications in Industry. This special issue will be dedicated, both, to the 117th European Study Group with Industry and to the Industrial Days (" Journées Industrielles") organized each year by GDR RO (CNRS). However, it is also open to papers which have not been presented in any of these two events. For more details see here .
Best regards,
Rosa Figueiredo
on behalf of the organization.