
Final CfP, Matheuristics 2016

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 29/04/2016 par Thomas (1502 vues)

Le 29/04/2016 par Thomas :

Dear all,

the submission deadline, May 4, 2016, for the Matheuristics 2016, Sixth International Workshop on Model-based Metaheuristics is approaching.

The Matheuristics workshop series is proposed as a primary forum for researchers working on exploiting mathematical programming techniques in a (meta)heuristic framework, granting to mathematical programming approaches the problem robustness and time effectiveness that characterize heuristics, or exploiting the mathematical programming model formulation in the customization of a heuristic for specific or general problems.

For more details on the workshop, see the page

The conference program will consist of plenary presentations, enriched by a couple of keynote or tutorial lectures. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Model-based metaheuristics,
- Hybridizing (meta)heuristics and exact methods,
- MIP techniques used for defining heuristic solvers (such as local branching and RINS),
- Problem relaxations to guide (heuristic) search,
- Information from exact algorithms to develop heuristics,
- Decompositions and lower/upper bounds in matheuristic codes,
- Stochastic programming and heuristic search,
- Metaheuristics for stochastic problems,
- Design and configuration of matheuristic algorithms,
- Experimental analysis and modeling of algorithms,
- Real world case histories of matheuristic applications, and
- Automatic configuration of matheuristics and algorithm selection among others.

The Workshop will be in Brussels, Belgium and the most important dates are the following.

Submission deadline May 4, 2016
Notification of acceptance June 12, 2016
Camera ready copy June 30, 2016
Early registration June 30, 2016
Workshop September 4-7, 2016
ITOR special issue deadline October 15, 2016

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