
MISTA 2015: Call for Participation

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 28/05/2015 par suchap (3344 vues)

Le 28/05/2015 par suchap :

MISTA 2015: Call for Participation
Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory & Applications

25-28 August 2015,
Prague, Czech Republic

MISTA 2015 is the seventh in the conference series. Previous conferences were run in Ghent (2013), Arizona (2011), Dublin (2009), Paris (2007), New York (2005) and Nottingham (2003). This year the conference takes place in Prague.

The conference serves as a forum for an international community of researchers, practitioners and vendors on all aspects of multi-disciplinary scheduling. The conference covers, besides other, the following disciplines: artificial intelligence, computer science, engineering, management, manufacturing, mathematics and operational research. The aim is to bring together scheduling researchers and practitioners from all the disciplines that engage with scheduling research.


This year we received a record breaking number of submissions and we are very grateful for that. The conference programme is not available yet, nevertheless we can announce the plenary speakers (

- Martin Skutella, Technische Universität Berlin (LP-based algorithms for scheduling unrelated parallel machines)

- Hana Rudova, Masaryk University (University course timetabling: From theory to practice)

- Johann Hurink, University of Twente (Scheduling for Decentralized Energy Management)


A part of the conference is a reception and a banquet ( The reception will take place on boat Šumava. The cruise on river Vltava includes commented sightseeing and live music. The conference banquet will be in the Municipal House which is one of the most remarkable constructions of Prague Art Nouveau.

Just as during previous years, the last day of the conference is the social day. This year we will visit glassworks RÜCKL CRYSTAL a.s. where you can see all stages of how the Czech handmade glass is produced. In the afternoon, we will move to Karlštejn, a High Gothic castle founded in 1348, which has a unique position among Czech castles. It was built by Czech King and Roman Emperor Charles IV as a place for safekeeping of the royal treasures.


Important Dates

19th Jun 2015: Early registration due (
25th - 28th Aug 2015: Conference
28th Aug 2015: This day will be a Social Day


Conference Chairs
Zdenek Hanzalek, Czech Technical University in Prague
Graham Kendall, University of Nottingham, UK
Barry McCollum, Queens University Belfast, UK
Premysl Sucha, Czech Technical University in Prague


Premysl Sucha
Department of Control Engineering,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague,
Karlovo namesti 13, 121 35 Prague 2,
Czech Republic
Phone: + 420 2 2435 5714

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